Test Servers¶
The following servers are used when we test uDig before each major release. For servers we have
tested a green indicates that everything worked, a red
indicates a connection
- TRFIC Map Server (5 layers)
- York County, SC - Building Footprints (1 layer)
- York County, SC - Parcels (1 layer)
- Acme Corp. Map Server (7 layers)
- ArealInformation - Viborg Amt, Denmark (223 layers)
- Atlas of Canada WMS (26 layers)
- Bird Studies Canada WMS/WFS Server (9 layers)
- Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Web Map Service (254 layers)
- Canadian Geographical Names Web Map Service (3 layers)
- Canadian Geographical Names Web Feature Service (3 layers)
- CAROL WMS (1316 layers)
- CAST TNM Map Server (10 layers)
- CustomWeather Map Server (38 layers)
- DataFed Layers (1348 layers)
- deegree wms providing free geospatial data from NGA (U.S.), Intevation (Germany) and OGC (U.S.) (29 layers)
- DGM50 (1 layer)
- Digitale Karte der hochwassergefaehrdeten Bereiche NRW (12 layers)
- DLK (GeoContent GmbH) hosted by terramapserver (6 layers)
- Environment Canada - Pacific and Yukon Region - Water Quality Monitoring Program - WMS (7 layers)
- ESA CubeSERV (193 layers)
- ESRI Co. Map Server (1 layer)
- ESRI Inc. Map Server (12 layers)
- ESRI Inc. Map Server (WMT) (10 layers)
- ESRI Web Map Service 1 (19 layers)
- ESRI Web Map Service 2 (8 layers)
- FGDC Base Map Services (16 layers)
- FIS Stobo NRW (10 layers)
- Forstliche Verwaltungsgrenzen NRW (1 layer)
- Geoscience Australia Map Server (102 layers)
- GeoStor Map Server (8 layers)
- Gewaesserstationierungskarte des Landes NRW (18 layers)
- GMap WMS Demo Server 1 (12 layers)
- GMap WMS Demo Server 2 (12 layers)
- GMap WMS Demo Server 3 (12 layers)
- Greater Victoria Green Map (2 layers)
- Intergraph US sample WMS (7 layers)
- Intergraph World Map 1 (8 layers)
- Intergraph World Map 2 (8 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 1 (11 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 2 (11 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 3 (11 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 4 (11 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 5 (11 layers)
- JPL World Map Service 6 (11 layers)
- Kreis Borken WMS (38 layers)
- LINFOS NRW (10 layers)
- LizardTech Express Server WMS (4 layers)
- Location mapserver (5 layers)
- MapServer WMS Demo (9 layers)
- MEGIS Web Map Service (15 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 1 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 2 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 3 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 4 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 5 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 6 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 7 (3 layers)
- Microsoft TerraServer Map Server 8 (3 layers)
- MNDNR Data Deli WMS Server (7 layers)
- Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative WMS Map Server (HDM) (6 layers)
- National Atlas of the United States Map Server (149 layers)
- Neigungsklassen zur Gelaendebefahrbarkeit (2 layers)
- NRW: DTK10 (2 layers)
- NRW: Gebietsentwicklungsplan (11 layers)
- NRW: Landesentwicklungsplan (8 layers)
- NRW: TK (24 layers)
- NRW: TK100 Farbe (1 layer)
- NRW: TK25 Farbe (1 layer)
- NRW: TK50 Farbe (1 layer)
- NRW: Uebersichtskarte (1 layer)
- NSW DIPNR Image Server (1 layer)
- Orthophotos NRW (2 layers)
- SCW de L (26 layers)
- SEACOOS Observations (7 layers)
- SEACOOS Remotely-Sensed Imagery (20 layers)
- SEACOOS Remotely-Sensed Imagery 256 (8 layers)
- Technology Applications Team Wms 1.1.0 Service (3 layers)
- Technology Applications Team Wms 1.1.1 Service (3 layers)
- Technology Applications Team Wms Service (297 layers)
- The GLOBE Program Visualization Server (173 layers)
- The GLOBE Program Visualization Server WMS 1.1.0 (173 layers)
- The GLOBE Program Visualization Server WMS 1.1.1 (173 layers)
- The GLOBE Program Visualization Server WMT 1.1 (173 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_BTS_Roads (2 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_LANDSAT7 (3 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_NED (46 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_NHD (10 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_NLCD (6 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: USGS_WMS_REF (30 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: world 1 (6 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: world 2 (6 layers)
- USGS EROS Data Center WMS Map Server: world 3 (6 layers)
- Waldtypenkarte NRW (3 layers)
- Wasserschutzgebiete NRW (4 layers)
- Web Map Service 133urban (94 layers)
- Web Map Service Wupperverband (51 layers)
- WMS Map Server (109 layers)
- WMS Map Server GFW_Forest (13 layers)
- WMS Map Server (20 layers)
- WMS Map Server Soil (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server Snow (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_Veg (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_Precip_Yr (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_Elev (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_World (109 layers)
- WMS Map Server FEMA_Flood (20 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_Landuse (11 layers)
- WMS Map Server ESRI_Pop (17 layers)
- WMS Map Server Atlas Walis (6 layers)
- WMS Map Server www.geographynetwork.com (109 layers)
- WMS-Neonet (15 layers)
- XtraServer/WMS fuer GDI NRW Verbundprojekt 2004 (26 layers)
- York County, SC - Color Orthophotos from 2000 (2 layers)
York County, SC - Corporate Limits - (1 layer)
York County, SC - Zoning (1 layer)
York County, SC Streets (1 layer)