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Service and GeoResource Interceptors

The catalog also provides “interceptors” that can be used to hook into the life cycle of IService and IGeoResource object.



ServiceInterceptor can be used to hook into the service lifecycle events:

  • serviceCreated: Called when an IService instance is created. Please be aware that the service may not actually be used; it is very common to create an IService just to get a hold of a good ID for a service - and then throw it away.
  • serviceAdded: called when a service is actually being added to the catalog; giving you a chance to configure; inject security credentials; or otherwise set a service up. The service may not yet “be connected” but it is at least now being tracked and the catalog will take responsibility for cleaning it up now.
  • serviceRemoved: the time has come; the catalog is cleaning up this service.

Note that the catalog does maintains persisted properties; you can interact with these properties uding serviceAdded / serviceRemoved to provide such things as a better default title.

ShpPropertiesInterceptor.java code example of grabbing a good title from a shapefile sidecar “properties” file:

public class ShpPropertiesInterceptor implements ServiceInterceptor {
    public void run(IService service){
        if( service instanceof ShpServiceImpl){
            ID id = service.getID();
            File directory = id.toFile().getParentFile();
            File infoFile = new File( directory, id.toBaseFile()+".properties" );
            if( infoFile.exists() ){
               try {
                   FileReader infoReader = new FileReader( infoFile );
                 Properties info = new Properties();
                 info.load( infoReader );
                 String title = (String) info.get("title");
                 if( title != null ){
                   service.getPersistentProperties().put("title", title);
               } catch (IOException eek ){


In a similar manner you can have a go at setting up a IGeoResource:

  • resourceAdded: called to perform any configuration or code injection (such as listeners) on a service prior to use
  • resoruceRemoved: called to clean up any listeners or configuration

This is usually used to “seed” the GeoResourceInfo with a good bounds in cases where the actual underlying data is wrong.

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