Operation Examples¶
Operations in uDig are extremely simple to make. A developer extends the org.locationtech.udig.operation extension point and implements the org.locationtech.udig.ui.operations.IOp interface which has a single op() method. An example is the Layer Summary Operation.
The operation is ran in a background thread so updating the UI must be done by calling display.asyncExec(Runnable) or display.syncExec(Runnable) methods.
In addition to declaring the operation the extension also allows categories to be declared. Categories allow operations to be organized in the operation menus.
Legal Targets¶
One of the most common questions are “What are legal operation targets?}” and “How do I know when those targets will be active?”
Targets are tied very closely to the Eclipse workspace’s selection framework and is designed to operate in a similar manner as the org.eclipse.popupMeus extension point. In Eclipse each view has a selection and the current selection is the selection of the current view. A selection can be empty, a single object or many objects. It may be heterogeneous or homogeneous. Currently operations will always be inactive if the selection is made up of many heterogeneous objects. However, as with the popupMenus extension point, operations can be defined so they are active for one or many and filters can be defined as well to further restrict what selections the operations will be enabled for.
For the basic case, where only the target is defined, the object in the current selection is examined to see if it matches the declared target in the operation. However more than just and instanceof check is made. uDig, as with eclipse, uses the Extensible Interface/Adaptable pattern quite heavily. So if the object(s) in the selection can adapt to the target object then that is also considered a match.
Extensible Interface Pattern: the Extensible Interface pattern allows an object to adapt to objects of other types. An example of this is WMS IServices can adapt to WebMapServer objects.
Views and the selections that can be expected¶
Tour of the standard views in uDig and what selections you can expect in the different views.
- Project Explorer: IMap, IProject, IProjectElement, IPage
- Layers View: ILayer
- Layers also adapt to their IGeoResources. However adapting only goes 1 level. So while layers adapt to IGeoResources they do not adapt to FeatureSources
- Catalog View: IServices, IGeoResources
- IServices can adapt to many different objects such as WebMapServers and DataStores
- IGeoResources can adapt to objects such as FeatureSources, FeatureStores, GridCoverages and WMSLayers
- Info View: Features
- Selection View (Soon to be renamed to Table View): Features
- Feature Editor: Feature
- MapEditor: This is a trickier workbench part. The selection is determined by the active tool. By
default, the current selection is the map but some tools (editing tools for example) will cause
the current selection to be features.
- Pan, Measurement and Zoom: Map
- Selection tools: AdaptiveFilter which is a org.geotools.filter.Filter and can adapt to the ILayer that it applies to.
- Info tool: ??? I don’t know yet probably features
- Edit tools: The features on the EditBlackboard
Object passed to the operation¶
When the op method is called by the framework, the objected passed to the method is an instance of the declared class, not necessarily the class that is in the selection. For example if the class FeatureStore is the target class and the object that is clicked on is a IGeoResource that can resolve to a FeatureStore then a FeatureStore instance is passed to the operation, not the IGeoResource.
A second point to note is that if the the class declares 1 as the enablesFor parameter then the single object will be passed to the operation. However, if the enablesFor parameter is anything else, (+,*,3,etc..) an array of the target type will be passed in as the target parameter. See Code Snippets for an example.
Code Snippets¶
Example where target is a single IMap
The follow example declares an operation that is enabled when the selection is a single IMap object. This operation would be enabled in the MapEditor and the Project Explorer.
<operation categoryId="org.locationtech.udig.project.ui.informationOperations"
public void op( final Display display, Object target, IProgressMonitor monitor )
throws Exception {
IMap map = (IMap) target;
// ... some work
Example where target is exactly 2 ILayers
The following example would be enabled when exactly 2 ILayers are selected. No more and no less. The standard views where this operation could be enabled in are the Layers View and Project Explorer.
public void op( final Display display, Object target, IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception {
final ILayer[] layers=(ILayer[]) target;
// ... some work
Example using enablement filter
The following example show the declaration of an operation that is enabled only when the selection consists of a single IService that can adapt (resolve in the case of IService) to a DataStore object. The difference between this example and simply having the target as a DataStore is that the object that is passed in is a IService and not a DataStore. Obviously the functionality of IService is required and not the functionality of a DataStore.
<filter adaptsTo="org.geotools.data.DataStore"/>
Notice in the following snippet that the service is not checked to see if it can resolve to a DataStore, it is known because the operation is not enabled if the service cannot resolve to a DataStore.
public void op( final Display display, final Object target, final IProgressMonitor monitor )
throws Exception {
IService service = (IService) target;
DataStore ds = service.resolve(DataStore.class, monitor);
// ... some work
Layer Summary Operation¶
Plugin.xml extension declaration¶
name="Layer Summary"
The targetClass indicates which type of objects the operation can operate on. The an instance of the targetClass will be passed to the operation as one of the parameters of the op(...) method.
The class declares the operation class. It must implement the IOp interface.
The categoryId declares which category the operation is part of. This determines where in the operations menu the operation is located.
The category declaration declares a new category called Information. If there are any operations in the category the category will appear in all the Operations menus.
Layer Summary Class¶
* Displays a summary of the layer in a dialog.
* @author jeichar
* @since 0.6.0
public class LayerSummary implements IOp {
* @see org.locationtech.udig.ui.operations.IOp#op(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display,
* java.lang.Object, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
public void op(final Display display, Object target, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
final Layer layer=(Layer) target;
monitor.beginTask("Layer Summary", 1);
Envelope bounds=layer.getBounds(monitor, layer.getMap().getViewportModel().getCRS());
final StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("Name: "+layer.getName()+"\n");
buffer.append("ID: "+layer.getID()+"\n");
buffer.append("z-order: "+layer.getZorder()+"\n");
buffer.append("Data CRS: "+layer.getCRS(monitor).getName()+"\n");
buffer.append("Bounds: ("+bounds.getMinX()+","+bounds.getMinY()+")\n");
buffer.append(" ("+bounds.getMaxX()+","+bounds.getMaxY()+"\n");
buffer.append("Selection Filter: "+layer.getFilter()+"\n");
display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MessageDialog.openInformation(display.getActiveShell(), "Summary of "+
layer.getName(), buffer.toString());
The parameter display is a display object the operation can use in order to interact with the User interface. The target parameter is guaranteed to be of the same type declared in the targetClass attribute of the xml extension declaration. The monitor parameter allows the operation to provide feedback to the UI on how much of the operation has been completed.