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Eclipse House Rules

Finally we have gather the Eclipse House Rules into one location. These are actual rules that must be followed by any Eclipse plug-in.

The Eclipse Hourse rules, are rather hard to track down (although they are referred to often). The best source is the “Contributing to Eclipse” book mentioned on the project reading list.

Extender Rules

These are rules that you must follow when implementing any extension point.

Contribution Rule

Everything is a contribution

Conformance Rule

Contributions must conform to expected interfaces

Sharing Rule

Add, don’t replace

Monkey See Monkey Do Rule

Always start by copying the structure of a similar plug-in

Relevance Rule

Contribute only when you can successfully operate

Integration Rule

Integrate, don’t separate

Responsibility Rule

Clearly identify your plug-in as the source of problems

Program To API Contract Rule

Check and program to the Eclipse API contract

Other Rule

Make all contributions available, but put those that don’t typically apply to the current perspective in an Other... dialog

Adapt to IResource Rule

Whenever possible, define an IResource adapter for your domain objects

Strata Rule

Separate language-neutral functionality from language-specific functionality and separate core functionality from UI functionality

User Continuity Rule

Preserve the user interface state across sessions

Enabler Rules

These are rules that must be followed when providing an extension point for others developers to implement.

Invitation Rule

Whenever possible, let others contribute to your contributions

Lazy Loading Rule

Contributions are only loaded when they are needed

Safe Platform Rule

As the provider of an extension point, you must protect yourself against misbehavior on the part of extenders

Fair Play Rule

All clients play by the same rules, even me

Explicit Extension

Declare explicitly where a platform can be extended

Diversity Rule

Extension points accept multiple extensions

Good Fences

When passing control outside your code, protect yourself

User Arbitration Rule

When there are multiple applicable contributions, let the user decide
which one to use

Explicit API Rule

separate the API from internals

Stability Rule

Once you invite someone to contribute, don?t change the rules

Defensive API Rule

Reveal only the API in which you are confident, but be prepared to reveal more API as clients ask for it


When you decide to publish your plugin (say as a community module) .

License Rule

Always supply a license with every contribution

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